30+ Peak Estrus 2 oz
Drive the big bucks crazy with our 30+ Peak Estrus! Unlike other brands, our Estrus scent urine is guaranteed to contain PEAK estrus levels replicating a doe in heat that mature bucks just can't resist. We have an independent lab test every batch of RAW Peak Estrus and certify an estrogen level of 30+ pg/ml!
Fire up your mock or real scrapes. Nothing gets bucks going like knowing there is new buck and doe in the area. Scrape Lure buck/doe scent does just this.
Multi Buck Urine 2 oz
Combining urine from rutting, dominant, and young bucks triggers a dominance response that causes mature bucks to go crazy. Works great when used in combination with 30 + Peak Estrus.
Body Blast is the world’s first deer body scent. The body odor of does in heat is collected into an absorbent wick and then soaked with 30+ Peak Estrus. Simply thaw the body odor-impregnated scent wick and then hang it from a branch in and area where air circulation can disseminate the telltale body odor to bucks in the area.
RAW Frozen Scents are awesome, helped me bag my biggest buck to date a 190.5in ohio giant, I won’t use any other scents.
Mark Filkins, Ohio
I have gained a lot of confidence playing questionable winds that are in their favor by using RAW Calming Scent. This combination has really changed the way I think. Before, I would have never went there on that wind. Now I can claim my second buck scoring over 200".
I had a 3-year-old mount my decoy 2 different times, and a really nice 10pt. that came in and wouldn't leave. Then on the last day the deer that I was hunting came in and stopped at 22 yards in my shooting lane when he got down wind of wicks that I had put out that morning.
I went out at 2 different times to spray the estrus scent liberally in the spot where he was on the 13th. Without a doubt he came to your Estrus 30 scent, which I believe brought him out during shooting hours! He is my buck of a lifetime!
I have gained a lot of confidence playing questionable winds that are in their favor by using RAW Calming Scent. This combination has really changed the way I think. Before, I would have never went there on that wind. Now I can claim my second buck scoring over 200".
I harvested two mature bucks in the 2021 season one being the Texas Typical Record taken with a compound. Using the Multi Buck Urine and the 30+ Peak Estrous these two mature bucks were moving in daylight checking active scrapes. Raw Frozen Scents are the best scents on the market!
I kept doctoring up a couple community scrapes that I knew mature deer used most of the season, this deer started checking the community scrapes more during daylight after I started using Raw Frozen Scents 30+ peak estrus! Letting me harvest my biggest buck to date!
This was my first real experience with a urine or scent product that worked, and it worked flawlessly! I placed the 30+ Peak Estrus urine 30 yards in front and upwind of the stand position and this joker came into the field grunting the whole way right toward the scent position giving me a perfect shot opportunity on him.